As we have just passed our One Year anniversary since the day we left Australia I thought I’d post a little story about just that.
Well here we are, …..on the day we chose to change our lives forever.
The day of departure for our very first overseas journey. YAY
This journey has been two years in the making, and to be honest we haven’t really planned that much. You see over half way through the planning process we changed our minds, and decided to go and live in Edinburgh for twelve months INSTEAD of taking a five week holiday! (most of my time subsequently was spent packing the house into the shed)
Between us we have 2 large backpacks, 3 small packs (one for nappies, one day pack and one for electronic equipment) 2 strollers, another ‘carry all’ bag, oh and 2 kids. Master D who is 3 and Baby R who is 9 months. I don’t think anyone believes we can lug all this around, I have a plan though…. hope it works….
We’re at the airport for about 5pm for the obligatory airport takeaway dinner. Our flight is at 9pm so we have to feed the kids beforehand (well thats our excuse anyway!!).
Everyone has come along to see us through the ‘big doors’, and by now I’m feeling a little scared and a little nervous, but mainly excited. BRING IT ON. The kids are already in their PJ’s as we bumble onto the plane and into our seats. We are flying Emirates and they are awesome with the kids, so the flight is seamless. (if the kids are happy, the whole plane is happy!) We have a bulk head seat so there is plenty of room and a basinet for the baby, which is GREAT.
We are fed and watered almost too regularly (picture expanded cheeks) and they even have special meals, toys and snack packs for the kids. Being used to Australian budget air travel, this is total luxury for me. We land in Dubai after 13 hours flying in the dark!
Dubai Airport is a sea of white robes, pits of gold and an Irish pub which is full at 5am (Probably with Aussies).
We have 2 hours, enough time to freshen up and make it too the next gate.
The second flight is almost as seamless. The kids are more restless, ‘cos it’s day time and they’ve been in transit for soooo long. Its only another 5 hours, so its all pretty smooth. Arrive Heathrow Airport at lunch time, but there’s no way we can fit lunch, so we spend our first GBP on coffee and get ready for the next league…….